Thursday, March 8, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1. I want to actually teach a child to learn a second language or help improve their languages (if two), and see how far the child goes during this process. I plan to use a 3 year old child that i know and help him improve and actually learn words instead of mimiking it.

2. By  meeting the 30 hours I plan to work with the child for that time with starting off with the alphabet and numbers. i will also get the child to write the stuff down so that he is learning to write and hear the word at the same time. Then i will advance to other things like addition, subtraction, short and long sounds with the vowles.

3. This realtes to my eq because its "what is the best way to learn a second language?" and im helping a child to understand both of his languages and at the same time improving his second language and is always better to start young in teaching or helping a child something because they get a better grasp of the topic or what they are learning.

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